Monday, January 03, 2011
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Nice work if you can get it!
The pictures are great.
Are those colors for real?
As real as I can get the camera to get them. The latest point-and-shoots (a new Canon and Olympus respectively) do a much better job of white balancing, which means I didn't have to work on getting the blue cast out of either picture.
A fill flash on RAWAD was the only change from natural lighting.
It is getting so AOG's obvious expertise with cameras is captured in silicone.
Must annoy the heck out of him.
Speaking of aog, is he awol? Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas holiday.
I have no idea (speaking as one who has been kind of AWOL himself; both from writer's block and the special kind of fatigue that comes with the territory).
We had a great Christmas, although getting home was a chore. I left Cleveland the evening of the 23rd. Newark, Syracuse, Burlington, Chicago, Seattle and two hotels later I got home just as Christmas eve was drawing to a close.
A flight attendant on the home leg must have spotted me for a commuting pilot (not hard, we all look exactly alike), and dropped a couple scotches off as she was doing a beverage service.
Gotta love those holiday spirits.
Glad you got home before Santa arrived ... and most pilots only wish they looked like you.
Hey Skipper blushes ...
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