Friday, December 02, 2011
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... they make overtime jobs for the sanitation unions. What's the problem? The tea parties take away jobs by cleaning up after themselves.
I don't understand why people can't see this is not accidental or irrelevant, but symptomatic of the ODL outlook. They simply don't care about others or their property, they don't care what costs their "needs" impose on others, they don't care what damage they leave in their wake. That's someone else's problem. And we Sons of Martha are just a bit tired of it.
Selfish Tea Partiers; no consideration for others.
I'm sure there are those on the MAL who have decided the TP is fascist because it cleans up after itself.
Have you heard of the waitress test?
You can tell a lot about a people by how they treat waitresses. Of course, you can substitute other occupations as the situation requires.
Based on the sanitation worker test, the ODL's are self-centered twits devoid of anything like useful intelligence.
Their months of inconveniencing others yielded nothing other than mountain ranges of garbage.
Well, there is new insight into their hypertrophied sense of entitlement.
Among the other 99% is there anyone who is thinking at this point "Let's do even more occupying. Yeah, that's the ticket!"
(Thanks for the Sons of Martha link -- excellent and right on point. I had never read it.)
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