Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sine qua non

'Garden of Eden' grabs World Heritage attention after its post-Hussein revival.
Wildlife-rich wetlands that covered 9,000 square km (3,475 square miles) in the early 1970s had dwindled to just 760 square km (293 square miles) by 2002. Experts said the marshes might be lost completely within five years unless urgent action was taken.
And the urgent action taken was:
After Saddam's downfall locals wrecked many of the dams to let the water rush back in and a $14 million UNEP restoration project prompted the return of thousands of birds and fish.

That included providing safe drinking water to residents, planting reeds to filter pollution and sewage, and the introduction of renewable energy schemes like solar power.

The Iraqi government says more than half the original wetlands have now been restored ...
I'm sorry -- I didn't quite make the out. The urgent action that was taken was?
... Saddam's downfall ...
Nope, sorry. Still didn't quite make that out.

What you really meant to say, al Reuters, is that the urgent action taken was the US invasion, without which Saddam would not have downfallen. That is what you meant, right? After all, it would only add to the MSM's offal reputation to leave that point completely unmentioned. We wouldn't want that, would we?

It is worth mentioning that UN press releases here and here are also conspicuously silent on the whole cause - effect thing

Must have been magic.


Blogger Harry Eagar said...

Good for the birds and the snails, but see my review of Rory Stewart's 'Prince of the Marshes' for a jaundiced view of the people.

It's at both Amazon and Restating the Obvious.

September 07, 2008 10:34 AM  
Blogger Hey Skipper said...

Whether the marsh Arabs are princes or posers is beside the point -- what I found completely astonishing is that all reporting on the subject treated the Hussein's fall as an un-caused effect.

I should not be amazed, but I am.

September 07, 2008 5:46 PM  

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