What is the White Thing to do?
- Fifty percent High School dropout rate
- 70 percent illegitimacy rate
- African Americans commit half the country's murders, despite comprising only 13% of the population
- Only about 30% of black women are married
- More than two-thirds of America's foster children are black
- Blacks are more than 8 times as likely as whites to be imprisoned
That 70 percent illegitimacy rate, troubling in itself, isn’t evenly distributed but is concentrated in poor neighborhoods, where it soars above 85 percent and can approach 100 percent.Ghettos like Detroit, Washington D.C., Memphis, etc. have become nearly perfect distillations of self-reinforcing social pathologies. African-Americans, in contrast to the experience of other immigrant groups, have a very low intermarriage rate, most of which is attributable to black men. For these areas, the intermarriage rate must be very close to zero. We cannot count on the time honored method of blending disparate social groups to make this problem go away.
Despite an improvement in US racial relations so rapid and substantial that there is probably no parallel in human history, large portions of black America are intractably mired in self-reinforcing pathology, made somewhat ignorable to the rest of us by it being confined to areas we need not ever see.
These self-perpetuating hells, for which the term "dystopian" does not qualify only because they are not imaginary, are the spawn of chattel slavery, institutionalized racism, and Great Society welfare policies that proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that the road to ruin can be lavishly paved with good intentions.
The article at the top of this post, as well as this one, indicate that African-Americans are moving from victimology (the Left's default position) to personal accountability. Unfortunately, the corrosive effects of welfare and denial of human agency have so riddled African-American culture that all these efforts run head on into charges of acting "white", while denying some essence of blackness that is as essential as it is undefined. Stating, or doing, the obvious has become group betrayal.
For we white's, who collectively, if not at all individually, bear some responsibility for this, what is the right thing to do? Is there even a right thing to do that won't be completely counterproductive?
Standing back and watching with the best wishes for success amounts to nothing more than benignly knowing which parts of the country to stay the hell out of. However, absent dynamiting the school system (which runs into the problem of whites imposing a solution on blacks), what are the options?
Listing all the ones I can think of would leave a fresh sheet of notebook paper unblemished.