Friday, February 15, 2008
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It was -7 yesterday in Minneapolis. If the theory that we are entering a mini ice age because of reduced sunspot activity, then global warming should be the last of our worries.
One of the two or three largest herds of prime solar astronomers works up the street. Although they are not all agreed, the preponderance of feeling up there (the Institute for Astronomy) is that climate change is driven by changes in orbital geometry.
The variation in solar output also enters in.
Lubos Motl has a map showing a -20 C. anomaly in Central Asia.
Where are the +20-degree anomalies?
62 and sunny here in San Francisco today. Like the song goes, 'if the thunder don't get you, then the lightning will.'
Record snowfall this winter here in Ottawa caused by global warming. Global warming is also responsible for several bitter deep freezes, but we've been too cold to mount any protests. However, today we're expecting a sudden thaw and freezing rain, and we sure know what is causing that, don't we?
Enough with the talk. Time for action. We march at dawn.
Greetings from sun-drenched Devon.
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