Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Note to Self: Next Time, Enjoy the Product After the Harvest...

Police Stumble Upon Massive Indoor Pot Farm

October 9, 2007, (SF Bay area)

[All emphasis added]
OAKLAND -- Oakland police peeked through a door during a welfare check late Monday and could not believe what they were seeing. The two-story home was jammed packed with marijuana plants with an estimated street value of nearly $3.5 million.

Authorities said the bust was one of the largest in the city's history and when all was collected and bagged by Oakland police and DEA agents early Tuesday nearly 3400 plants had been seized.

Police initially were called to the home by a neighbor concerned because the home's garage door [...] had been ajar for a few days and the Mercedes parked in the gated driveway had not moved.

When officers entered the garage they noticed an inside door was open. Clearly visible was an indoor jungle of marijuana plants.

Agents said there were so many plants in the newly built home that it was hard to walk around. They added that it appeared the owner had also jerry rigged an illegal power source for lighting...


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